BUV Together – Our Stories
Together highlights some of the Stories from within the BUV. God is doing some amazing things in Victoria and we think these stories should be celebrated!
Check out our quarterly e-News magazine!
Have a story of your own?
We would love to hear from you! Send through your stories to comms@buv.com.au
Generations Network Day
What an opportunity it is to sit in a room alongside a group of Godly men and women, as we seek to faithfully bring the gospel to people in our worlds. Earlier in September we had our second Generations Network Day for this year, where Generations Pastors and Leaders gathered to be spoken into, and to share some valuable stories around helpful content.
Views from the Manse – Part 1: Preparing for Manse Living
Before her marriage Meryl Smith undertook a special program for prospective minister’s wives. It must have been successful because she and Lindsay are still married. I do not know if it worked for the others in the program but even if it did I do not recall that it was ever repeated. How do you prepare to be a minister’s spouse?
Kathryn Jensen’s heart for Reconciliation
While on a prayer retreat, God gave Kathryn a memorable vision that began her life in ministry. “I was sitting on a swing with Jesus pushing me from behind towards the Father.” The vision remains with Kathryn as a picture of God’s work of reconciliation. And in her reconciled state, she takes seriously the message being committed to us.
Carey Prayer Group
Sometimes it is only in reflection we see God’s gifts other times we are so overwhelmed by them and are amazed at God knowing us so intimately and providing just what we need. God’s gift of Carey prayer group fits squarely in the second category. Since its inception in 2015 it has been God’s vehicle for creating community, personal growth, encouragement, friendship and answered prayer.
BLESS our neighbours
The Kilsyth South Baptist Church (KSBC) has a three-part mission, “To Share Jesus, Encourage Christian Growth, and Caring for People” which we work towards achieving through various methods, a major one being outreach which we do through reaching out to the broader local community.
Green Collect Awarded Top Enterprise
Melbourne-based social enterprise Green Collect has picked up the prestigious Social Enterprise of the Year award for 2019. The award, an initiative of the Social Traders, recognises Green Collect’s strong business performance as it generates positive outcomes towards environmental and social impact.
CONVERGE is an annual gathering of Australian Baptist leaders in Canberra to meet with Federal Parliamentarians to discuss issues of justice. It is a great opportunity for Baptists to speak into the centre of national political power and policy.
Bizzy Butterflies Playground
On a beautiful, sunny winter day, the Bizzy Butterflies Playground at Drouin Baptist Church was declared officially open. Little faces were painted with butterflies or caterpillars and a simple sausage sizzle then doughnuts fed everyone happily. It was a happy occasion inspired by God’s mercy and enabled by God’s grace.
Submissions invited for Draft Religious Freedom Bills
One of the issues that we have been discussing and discerning this year through our BUV Consultation Forums has been the issue of Religious Freedom. We appreciate your input into these discussions over the last couple of months at the 5 Consultation Forums we have held through the State and appreciate those who have provided feedback even when not being able to attend.
There’s a place for everyone at the table of God’s family
There’s nothing quite like coming home to a loving family. Having a place where you are known, loved and encouraged to fulfil your purpose. At Mill Park Baptist Church (MPBC), our members and our community are experiencing exactly that.