Professional Standards Group

In 2004 the Executive Council of the BUV established a Professional Standards Group to examine processes related to the education of its pastors and congregations and to review the Complaints Procedures.

The BUV’s Professional Standards Consultant is Brenda Williams, who can be contacted on 0425 752 238 or

Code of Ethics for Pastoral Leaders

The Code of Ethics for Pastoral Leaders aims to provide Pastoral Leaders (and their churches) with clear guidelines and common benchmarks for ethical conduct and legal responsibility. It is not intended to replace other official documents prepared by the BUV, but should be read in conjunction with them. They include:

  • Doctrinal Statement of the BUV
  • Our Church is a Safe Place – BUV Duty of Care Policy
  • Complaint Procedure for Allegations of Misconduct by Pastoral Leaders
  • BUV Accreditation guidelines
  • Privacy Policy of the BUV
Code of Ethics & Companion Guide 2024
Complaints Processes

The BUV has a Complaints Procedure to handle any issues raised by members of one of our churches or of the public about the conduct of leaders and/or pastors.

The procedure document may be downloaded below.

A Professional Standards Group oversee complaints processes within the Union. This group includes the Professional Standards Consultant, external professionals, senior officers of the Union and a representative of pastors.

Complaint Procedure for Allegations of Misconduct by Pastoral Leaders 2023
Professional Misconduct  Complaint Form



Meet the Professional Standards Group:

Rev David Devine
B.A. (Accty); B.Th.; Dip. Pastoral Studies; MA (Min)

BUV Head of Church Health and Capacity Building & Chairman of PSG.
David served as a Pastor within South Australian and Victorian Baptist churches for 25 years. He has been part of the BUV Office staff since 2012. He was one of the co-authors of the BUV’s Code of Ethics for Pastoral Leaders.

Brenda Williams
B.A. (psych) B.S.W.

BUV Professional Standards Consultant
Brenda has experience in Child Protection and Foster Care. Brenda has been in the Professional Standards Worker role since its inception in 2004.

Adam Hince
B.Com and B.Th

Senior Pastor, Essendon Baptist Church and Chaplain to Cricket Victoria 
Adam has over 18 years experience pastoring churches including, Syndal Baptist and Boronia Baptist Church. Adam is married to Anna, and together they have three young children – Tom, Lucy and Emily.

David Rock
B.Com and B.Th

Lead Pastor Church by the Bay 
Dave is the Lead Pastor at Church by the Bay since 2009. Dave is married to Jules and together they have four sons. “I accepted David’s invitation regarding the PSC because of a couple of reasons. A commitment I have to see the church own the gospel call to become advocates of justice, healing and reconciliation of those who are caught in issues of abuse. And a growing sense of wanting to build church leaders and churches as healthy places where the gospel can be carried to the world.”

Heather Coleman

Min, BA (Admin), Grad Dip (IR)

Senior Administration & Compliance Officer, Melbourne School of Theology
Heather is currently the senior Administration & Compliance Officer at the Melbourne School of Theology. Previously the General Director for Global Interaction, Heather’s experience includes government, non-government and overseas organisations, with business administration expertise including governance, corporate services, human resources and industrial relations.  Heather is married to Ron.


Adam Foster

Lawyer, Colin Biggers & Paisley
Adam Foster is an employment lawyer at Colin Biggers & Paisley, with particular technical expertise in advising not for profits on all aspects of their employment law needs. Adam has a particular client base in religious institutions, understanding the broader context in which these organisations operate.